by Crystal Cervantes | Aug 1, 2017
Phillips 66 Westlake, LA North American Crude Project Coating Requirements: Project utilized ARO underground specialty coating systems. Project Size: Coating of approximately 250,000 square feet of almost 1,200 fabricated spools. Pipe Fabrication Welds Spools...
by Crystal Cervantes | Apr 22, 2015
Westlake Petrochemical Group Westlake, LA Petro 1 Expansion Project Responsible for the fabrication and coating of piping system for the Westlake expansion project. Coating Requirements: Project utilized 7 differenct specialty coating systems. Project Size: Coating of...
by Crystal Cervantes | Jan 14, 2014
Westlake Petrochemical Group Westlake, LA Petro 2 Ethylene Cracking Furnace 7 Project Responsible for the fabrication and coating of piping system for the Westlake furnace 7 project. Pipe Fabrication Welds Spools Fabricated Deliveries Coatings Square Feet of Piping...
by Crystal Cervantes | Jan 1, 2013
WestCon Project Fort Dodge, Iowa Pipe Fabrication Welds Spools Fabricated Deliveries Miles Our Pipe Traveled To Reach Fort...
by Crystal Cervantes | Aug 11, 0014
Westlake Petrochemical Group Westlake, LA Petro 1 Ethylene Cracking Furnace 8 Project Responsible for the fabrication and coating of piping system for the Westlake Furnace 8 project. Pipe Fabrication Welds Spools Fabricated Deliveries Coatings Specialty Coating...